Natural Organic Skincare Products for Oily Skin
Most women have oily skin because they've used harsh, drying products that strip healthy oils like sebum from your face. This causes your body to increase sebum production in an attempt to restore the balance. You read that right - using drying cleansers on oily skin will make your skin more oily!
Naturally derived Alpha Hydroxy Acids (or "AHAs") and other oils (yes, oils!) are the solution. AHAs moisturize, soften, temporarily smooth out fine lines and enlarged pores, improve texture and maintain your skin’s natural acidity, making your skin appear clear and baby soft. Make sure you use naturally derived AHAs like in Apple Cider Vinegar, not AHAs that have been heavily processed.
"Like dissolves like" is a fundamental rule of chemistry, so the best way to remove too much sebum is with another oil. By using the right oils, you can cleanse your pores of dirt and bacteria naturally, gently and effectively, while replacing the dirty oil with beneficial ones extracted from natural botanicals, vegetables and fruit that heal, protect and nourish your skin.
The Dunes
Gentle Almond Oil Face Scrub
Key ingredient that helps oily skin
Jojoba beads gently exfoliate and remove dead skin cells to ensure pores don't get clogged up with excess oils.
$41.95The Rain
Invigorating Apple Cider Vinegar Face Wash
Key ingredient that helps oily skin
Apple Cider Vinegar contains naturally occurring Alpha Hydroxy Acids that gently remove dead skin cells, revealing fresh skin underneath and allowing your skin to heal. It also fights bacteria and inflamed skin to minimize oil production, bringing your skin into natural balance.